Striping and Pavement Marking for Warehouses and Parking Lots
Customers and guests appreciate a well designed and well marked parking system. The parking lot is the first thing that your customers or visitors see. A freshly painted parking lot can lend an attractive impression to the overall image of your business.
Line striping assists your customers or guests in the safe use of your parking lot. Good pavement striping directs traffic to the proper route of entrance and exit, allowable areas to park, loading zones, and crosswalks, and clearly defines drive aisles that are wide enough to avoid accidents with cars and pedestrians. Properly designed parking spaces also maximize the number of cars you can safely accommodate. Safety first!
We do Restriping, too. Why not give your parking lot or warehouse a nice refreshed look? Upgrading looks professional, and that reflects upon you and your business.
Temporary lines on that gravel lot? We can do that for you, too.
No project is too small. Give us a call.

You need a handyman.
Absolution Handyman Services - serving Downtown Victoria, James Bay, Fairfield, Oak Bay, and Uplands